Thursday 13 April 2017

How You Can Save Lives By Learning First-Aid, Get a First Aid Certification?

Having trained in a first aid course can have several advantages, both in daily life & in the place of work. When a risky situation takes place, being properly trained in first-aid could mean the difference between life & death.

A Universal First Aid Certification course can help you learn about various techniques on line  which can  help you save lives of persons of various age groups.

Let’s have a look at what advantages first aid training & certification can bring in everyday life:

First Aid Certification Courses

  • You can effective handle an emergency situation
  • Apart from helping your family you can also take care of your personal wellbeing at home if any accident or injury take place.
  • If any natural calamities happen, you will know how to keep yourself & your family secure.
  • If you’ve a child or are taking care of any other’s , infant first-aid training will train what indications to check out & how to react properly in the event of an emergency or illness.
  • You will learn how to decrease the danger of a contaminated wound when applying first-aid on a person with an injury.
  • You will be trained how to make use of bandages & make an arm sling throughout first-aid.
  • You will be trained that you must put on a resuscitation mask to decrease infection while executing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
  • You will also be trained how to assist a person who is choking and keep them inhaling.
  • You can assist decrease someone’s ache or the upshot of illness or injury.
  • You can also recognize if a person you have found has taken a medicine or drug overdose, and know info to give emergency services.
DRSABCD Action Plan

You will learn DRSABCD, which signifies:

Danger: Checking for any risk to you, spectator, and the person who is wounded or ill prior to offering help.

Response: Examining if the sufferer is awake by talking to him or her, touching his hand or squeezing his shoulder.

Send for help: Dialing 000 & replying the operator’s queries

Airway: Examining if the person’s airway is clear by peeping inside his mouth for any content

Breathing: Examining if the person is breathing by checking if his chest is moving

CPR: Executing cardiopulmonary resuscitation if the sufferer is unconscious & not breathing

Defibrillator: Applying an AED (automated external defibrillator) if a person is unconscious & not breathing

First Aid Certification Courses offered by CPR Professor are enjoyable, educational, and recognized around the world. We’ve partnered with the American Safety Training Institute to provide you world-class safety certification courses. If you have any queries, e-mail us at

  For more details stay, social profile with us on Facebook and Twitter

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