Wednesday 7 June 2017

What are SCA and the Value of a CPR Certification?

About SCA and CPR Certification in Brief:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) remains to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It is believed that a certified individual having the ability to administer CPR in the first few minutes after a person suffers sudden cardiac arrest could and can significantly boost the chances of survival. Do you know anybody can learn and perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)? Are you thinking this is interesting and want to know how to learn CPR techniques? Then you should opt for a CPR Certification to learn the right skills of performing that will help in saving a life by acting fast in an emergency situation.  A CPR certified individual will be aware of how to attend the patient quickly and in an effective way that can save a valuable life. By gaining the right CPR skills, you can become a confident rescuer with the ability to save a life in case of a sudden heart attack or any kind of emergency situation.

How is CPR Skills Useful for an SCA Victim?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) normally occurs due to an electrical disturbance, which interrupts the heart’s rhythm and leads to an unexpected loss of the heart function, consciousness, and breathing (as the blood will stop flowing throughout the body). In this case, those individuals who are CPR certified and learned how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be able to make a difference by improving the survival rate of sudden cardiac arrest victims.

How to Perform CPR in a Correct Way?

It can be said that CPR is a life-saving technique that is used during a sudden cardiac arrest to manually pump the blood to deliver oxygen to the organs. What to do when you find a person collapsed or witnesses a sudden cardiac arrest? In this case, you should immediately check for responsiveness and a pulse. If you do not find both responsiveness and pulse, then call at 911 and begin performing CPR on the victim.

1. One should perform CPR at the rate of about 100 compressions per minute.

2. Having the right skills, you can safely perform CPR in a safe and effective way. With a CPR certification, you can be always ready to the highest quality service in an emergency situation that will increase the chance of victim's survival.

3. Along with CPR certification, you can also opt for  an AED certification to use the automated external defibrillator, which will prove to be effective for a sudden cardiac arrest victim and greatly increase a victim’s survival rate.

What is the importance of CPR Training Classes?

To obtain a CPR certification, it is important to take up the course and undergo training classes and view recommended videos from good trainers that will teach you how to effectively administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in any critical situation. By taking up the CPR course and classes, you will learn how to assist an SCA victim and remain calm under pressure. No doubt, with a CPR certification, you will be better equipped to aid an SCA victim and provide him/her good support until the emergency medical responders arrive at the site.

To get a CPR Certification relies on CPR Professor!

We specialize in providing nationally recognized online safety programs like CPR/AED certification, first aid certification and more.  CPR Professor ensures of providing 100% online self-paced CPR Training. With us, you will get an instant access to training materials and download the certificate immediately.

Reach us today via phone: 1-866-967-9111 or send an email:! For more details stay, social profile with us on Facebook and Twitter