Friday 4 March 2016

Most Common Places where CPR Training Proves to be Effective

Health emergencies like cardiac arrest can happen anywhere, in this case absence of healthcare professionals or right kind of treatment can cause severe consequences. This is why getting a CPR certification or training is considered to be effective. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a life-saving technique, which makes an individual able to deliver proper first-aid treatment when there is a sudden cardiac situation.

Some Facts about Cardiac Arrests:
  • The American Heart Association has cited that nearly 383,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur outside of a hospital each year.
  • Nearly 4 out of 5 cardiac arrest patients do not exhibit any symptoms or have any known heart disease or risk factors.
How CPR training or certification will prove worth?
  • Early use of CPR can nearly double or triple the chances of the victim’s survival during a cardiac emergency.
  • After cardiac arrest, brain death starts to occur within four to six minutes; in this scenario use of CPR helps to maintain blood flow within the heart and brain and extends the period of time till when the defibrillator comes into the screen.
  • Death from cardiac arrest can be avoided, if every bystander with a CPR certification takes an attempt to handle the victim.
Let us now discuss about the most common places where CPR training will prove to be a life-saving act:

The Best Online Guide to Learn

American Heart Association has stated that 88 percent of cardiac arrests happen at home. This means your CPR training or certification will make you able in helping a family member at the time of need.


Gym is another place where cardiac arrest is common. Most of the time in gym spinning classes and other strenuous activities can lead to cardiac arrest. At this time when someone is not aware of a heart condition, a quick response by a CPR certified person will make the difference in saving a valuable life.


One must remember that there are no warning signs for cardiac arrest. This exposes the co-workers to face a sudden cardiac arrest. There can be a possible situation where a coworker may lose consciousness and stop breathing; at this time a certified person with CPR skills will prove to be effective in saving a life.

CPR Training Classes

As an effective life-saving technique, CPR proves to be useful and effective in many emergencies like many emergencies like heart attack or near drowning, where someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. This shows cardiac arrests endanger every race and age group. For which it is important to get a formal CPR training, if you are supervising children in any class or sport activity in schools.

Anytime & Anywhere:

No one ever wants or aware of having a heart attack or stroke. Cardiac arrest may happen on the street at anytime where someone needs medical attention with a proper kind of CPR treatment. Whether walking downs a street or taking children to the park, you can help an individual in need by achieving a formal CPR certification.

If you are looking to get CPR certified at your convenience then simply rely on CPR Professor. CPR classes online or CPR training online by CPR Professor is the most convenient way to learn a most valuable life-saving skill at your own comfort. We aim to provide a low-stress educational environment with well designed CPR courses.

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Thursday 18 February 2016

Effective CPR Certification Courses Online with Excellent Benefits

We know that cardiac arrest is the top most causes of death in the United States. For many victims, survival depends upon how quickly their hearts can be defibrillation into a healthy rhythm. Hence, CPR is the quite essential technique to consider between the time a person drops and the time when they receive a shock from the defibrillator. However, you must be aware of the fact that the people who have joined CPR certification courses online,anytime in their lives can feel more prepared to provide CPR in an emergency situation.

As per the current research, hundreds of thousands of Americans are no surviving sudden cardiac arrest. When a sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the victim will be in full cardiac arrest, usually within an hour of the symptoms, like fainting spells and dizziness.

What’s CPR?

Like all first aid skills, CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is something very necessary to learn. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), approximately 88% of cardiac arrests happen, while residing at home. But nearly 70% of Americans feel helpless, if they are called to save a life during their troubling stages. In fact, the secret weapon to get a long life is to befriend with someone, who is certified in CPR. It’s due to the fact that CPR is considered as the most appreciated lifesaving first aid technique; when a person is suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest.

First Aid Logo

Why Learn CPR?

CPR certification is nothing but a training certification course to revive the victim of cardiac arrest. It’s quite difficult to resist knowing you possess such ability. In any case of emergency, it’s very important to call 911, before attempting CPR. When the medics arrive at the spot, it might be you that they may have to save or a family member from.

Attending an online CPR certification course can offer you the ultimate level of confidence that you need to deal with during the emergency situations, without compromising situations. With CPR certification, emergencies will no longer scare you! You will stay calm, while seeing the victim suffering from a cardiac arrest. If you are untrained and not known how to handle emergency situations, then it’s obvious that you might panic and not feel confident in your abilities, when you’ll find someone suffering from sudden cardiac arrest nearer to you.

CPR Training Classes

Hence, it’s highly recommended to join the courses of online CPR certification of CPR Professor to assist the cardiac arrest patients efficiently and confidently. However, you will do what you need to do in maintain victims heart rate until professional rescuers arrive.

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