Online CPR Certification- Why It’s Important for Everyone?
You might have heard CPR at some point of your life. You knew about its importance in school, you may see it on news. Prominently, it’s featured on the prime time shows. Those who perform it are known as beacons of the society.
But do you have any idea what it takes to save someone’s life with CPR? Is there any specific technique behind pumping someone’s chest till the medical help arrives?
Absolutely yes, and proper application of this simple skill can make a great difference between someone living or dying. You will be shocked to know that number of seemingly healthy people suffer from cardiac arrest due to accidents or extreme situations.
The naked truth is that majority of people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest die. More often, if you see a cardiac arrest, this will happen to someone you know as four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home.
This means that learning how to perform CPR properly and effectively to administer CPR has a great chance of saving one of your loved one’s lives. But taking CPR certification is crucial.

What is SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) –
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not a heart attack. After all, a heart attack affects the heart; so it’s different as the heart keeps beating. Cardiac arrest can occur because of a heart attack. This diagnosis comes with different types of heart failure – where the heart stops working.
For instance, it could be a cardiomyopathy, electrolyte disturbances or any artery blockage. All of these cardiac arrests occur when the electrical impulses controlling heartbeat become chaotic. More often, it happens with people – having no previous diagnosis of heart disease or heart-related risk factors.
The first 10 minutes are important for the victim. During this time period, the following things happen:
– The chances of survival go down 10 percent in every minute.
– Between 5-7 minutes, there’s a chance of resuscitation. This is actually the time emergency vehicles target.
– There’s a high risk of permanent brain injury after 10 minutes.
What is CPR –
CPR is a lifesaving technique found in different forms. To better understand what CPR means, just break down the acronym:
Cardio – Heart
Pulmonary – Lungs
Resuscitation – Restoration
Doing CPR can ensure a stimulation of victim’s heartbeat to restore blood circulation and oxygenation throughout the body system. However, this technique includes pressing rhythmically on the chest so that you can force the heart to continue pumping. It serves as an electrical signal – that makes the heart beating and keeping the person alive.
While performing CPR, the improved technique has a great role to play. Improper application can stall and ensure ineffective blood circulation. In fact, CPR is not that much difficult, with online CPR certification, you can become a skillful first responder.

The CPR Certification is Worth Your Time.
Learning CPR is very imperative. It can make a great difference in a person’s life. Shouldn’t you take the time to learn the basics of CPR certification? Even don’t want to take the advantage of online CPR course? Don’t you worry about the cost and its really not costly when you are saving some one’s life by learning it.
You’ve decided? Why don’t you sign up for Online CPR Certification at CPR Professor! We are an accredited resource offers safety training classes for ease of access without compromise on content, quality of learning.
Now you have got clear ideas of life-saving technique and have access to training options. What are you waiting for? One day there could be a life under your hands for sure.
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