Why should you Learn to Use AED and Gain the Certification?
AED or automated external defibrillators are a dramatic tool that is used to save lives in an emergency situation. You normally get a chance to learn using the AED by opting for an AED first aid certification. These life saving devices are often kept in public places like airports, schools, and malls in case of emergency need. A person with an AED first aid certification or training can successfully use this device to save a valuable life.
These lifesaving devices are battery-operated and portable devices that are lightweight and easy to carry along. AED has sticky pads with electrodes to detect the patient’s heartbeat and send information to a computer system (inside the AED). The computer automatically assesses the data to decide whether the patient is experiencing cardiac arrest and needs an electric shock. If the shock is required, then the AED is designed to use the voice prompts and allows the user in delivering the shock.
An AED is required to deliver a shock that can restart the heart of a patient in the event of a cardiac arrest. These devices are simple to use and designed to be usable by people with little or no medical training, but getting an AED first aid certification instill among the certified individual a confidence to handle an emergency situation in the right way and ensure a life-saving act.

Where can you find the AED or automated external defibrillator?
Normally the doctors, medical staffs use these devices in hospitals and healthcare facilities. The emergency response team usually has one on hand to perform a prompt life-saving act. These days, you can find AEDs in public places like airports, hotels, casinos, sports stadium, shopping malls, and schools and anywhere large crowds might congregate individuals.
The AEDs are extremely effective, which increase the survival rates for victims of sudden cardiac arrests. It is absolutely worth to get an AED first aid certification and have it on the premises, which are most effective within the first three minutes of a cardiac arrest. It is found that the use of AED or automated external defibrillator helps in improving the recovery statistics for cardiac arrest victims. Here is no doubt that AEDs save lives and it is worth and useful to know how to use one.
1. Motivates individuals and instill confidence within the individuals to respond in a prompt way during an emergency situation
2. Makes an individual confident and well-trained to efficiently use this device at the time of emergency or sudden cardiac arrest

Do you want to know more about AED First Aid Certification or enroll in an online course? Then CPR Professor is here to help you! We provide a wide variety of online safety training courses like CPR training and certification, First aid training and certification, AED first aid training and certification and much more.
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