Tuesday 28 November 2017

Why should you Learn to Use AED and Gain the Certification?

AED or automated external defibrillators are a dramatic tool that is used to save lives in an emergency situation. You normally get a chance to learn using the AED by opting for an AED first aid certification. These life saving devices are often kept in public places like airports, schools, and malls in case of emergency need. A person with an AED first aid certification or training can successfully use this device to save a valuable life.

What is an Automated External Defibrillator?

These lifesaving devices are battery-operated and portable devices that are lightweight and easy to carry along. AED has sticky pads with electrodes to detect the patient’s heartbeat and send information to a computer system (inside the AED). The computer automatically assesses the data to decide whether the patient is experiencing cardiac arrest and needs an electric shock. If the shock is required, then the AED is designed to use the voice prompts and allows the user in delivering the shock.

Why is the AED used for?

An AED is required to deliver a shock that can restart the heart of a patient in the event of a cardiac arrest. These devices are simple to use and designed to be usable by people with little or no medical training, but getting an AED first aid certification instill among the certified individual a confidence to handle an emergency situation in the right way and ensure a life-saving act.

AED First Aid Certification

Where can you find the AED or automated external defibrillator?

Normally the doctors, medical staffs use these devices in hospitals and healthcare facilities. The emergency response team usually has one on hand to perform a prompt life-saving act. These days, you can find AEDs in public places like airports, hotels, casinos, sports stadium, shopping malls, and schools and anywhere large crowds might congregate individuals.

How effective are the Automated External Defibrillators?

The AEDs are extremely effective, which increase the survival rates for victims of sudden cardiac arrests. It is absolutely worth to get an AED first aid certification and have it on the premises, which are most effective within the first three minutes of a cardiac arrest. It is found that the use of AED or automated external defibrillator helps in improving the recovery statistics for cardiac arrest victims. Here is no doubt that AEDs save lives and it is worth and useful to know how to use one.

How AED first aid training and certification proves to be worth?

1. Motivates individuals and instill confidence within the individuals to respond in a prompt way during an emergency situation

2. Makes an individual confident and well-trained to efficiently use this device at the time of emergency or sudden cardiac arrest

First Aid Certification

Do you want to know more about AED First Aid Certification or enroll in an online course? Then CPR Professor is here to help you! We provide a wide variety of online safety training courses like CPR training and certification, First aid training and certification, AED first aid training and certification and much more.

To know more about us, please browse through this URL: https://www.cprprofessor.com/about-us.php!

Feel free to stay in touch with us on CPR Professor on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus social networks.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Online CPR Certification- Why It’s Important for Everyone?

You might have heard CPR at some point of your life. You knew about its importance in school, you may see it on news. Prominently, it’s featured on the prime time shows. Those who perform it are known as beacons of the society.
But do you have any idea what it takes to save someone’s life with CPR? Is there any specific technique behind pumping someone’s chest till the medical help arrives?

Absolutely yes, and proper application of this simple skill can make a great difference between someone living or dying. You will be shocked to know that number of seemingly healthy people suffer from cardiac arrest due to accidents or extreme situations.

The naked truth is that majority of people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest die. More often, if you see a cardiac arrest, this will happen to someone you know as four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home.

This means that learning how to perform CPR properly and effectively to administer CPR has a great chance of saving one of your loved one’s lives. But taking CPR certification is crucial.

Online CPR

What is SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) –

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not a heart attack. After all, a heart attack affects the heart; so it’s different as the heart keeps beating. Cardiac arrest can occur because of a heart attack. This diagnosis comes with different types of heart failure – where the heart stops working.

For instance, it could be a cardiomyopathy, electrolyte disturbances or any artery blockage. All of these cardiac arrests occur when the electrical impulses controlling heartbeat become chaotic. More often, it happens with people – having no previous diagnosis of heart disease or heart-related risk factors.

What Happens When a Person Suffers from SCA –

The first 10 minutes are important for the victim. During this time period, the following things happen:

– The chances of survival go down 10 percent in every minute.

– Between 5-7 minutes, there’s a chance of resuscitation. This is actually the time emergency vehicles target.

– There’s a high risk of permanent brain injury after 10 minutes.

What is CPR –

CPR is a lifesaving technique found in different forms. To better understand what CPR means, just break down the acronym:

Cardio – Heart

Pulmonary – Lungs

Resuscitation – Restoration

Doing CPR can ensure a stimulation of victim’s heartbeat to restore blood circulation and oxygenation throughout the body system. However, this technique includes pressing rhythmically on the chest so that you can force the heart to continue pumping. It serves as an electrical signal – that makes the heart beating and keeping the person alive.

While performing CPR, the improved technique has a great role to play. Improper application can stall and ensure ineffective blood circulation. In fact, CPR is not that much difficult, with online CPR certification, you can become a skillful first responder.

CPR certification

The CPR Certification is Worth Your Time.

Learning CPR is very imperative. It can make a great difference in a person’s life. Shouldn’t you take the time to learn the basics of CPR certification? Even don’t want to take the advantage of online CPR course? Don’t you worry about the cost and its really not costly when you are saving some one’s life by learning it.

You’ve decided? Why don’t you sign up for Online CPR Certification at CPR Professor! We are an accredited resource offers safety training classes for ease of access without compromise on content, quality of learning.

Now you have got clear ideas of life-saving technique and have access to training options. What are you waiting for? One day there could be a life under your hands for sure.

Stay connected with CPR Professor on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus social networks.

Thursday 3 August 2017

How To Deal With A Medical Emergency? First-Aid Do’s & Don’ts

When it comes to take care of your loved ones you have to be ready for anything, encompassing medical emergencies. You don’t need to be a physician or nurse to help though. Here in this post, I am going to share with you some tips on how to deal with an emergency medical situation if it happens to any of your loved ones or people around you.

Call 911:

This must be the first step towards any emergency situation. By doing so, you can rest assured that help is just a few minutes away. Don’t be shy to do your best to ensure the sufferer is in a stable state until assistance arrives. If it happens to be a bad fall, don’t try to move the sufferer until the emergency medical help gets there. You might worsen the condition by doing so.

First Aid Certification

Know how to deal with a medical emergency:

Medical emergency situations usually involve someone drowning, or falling down the stair, or choking. Educate yourself by knowing how to perform an appropriate Heimlich maneuver to prevent somebody from choking. You can enroll yourself in an online first aid certification program to learn how to do CPR on somebody who drowned. These skills will certainly come in handy particularly if you have got kids in your home. The Centre for Disease Control & Prevention accounts that the main cause of casualty in children from 1 to fourteen years of age are unplanned injuries prompted by mishaps.

Have your first-aid kit ready all the times:

Executing first-aid within a few second of a mishap can assist keep the injury from getting worse? If you are dealing with a cardiac arrest, this fact certainly holds true. Every second count in such scenarios. By doing first-aid measures like BLS or CPR techniques, one can enhance the sufferer’s possibility of survival.


The ideal way to manage a medical emergency is to prepare you for it. Enroll yourself in a First Aid Certification Course offered by CPR Professor and get yourself emergency ready. That way when a medical emergency happens in front of your eyes, you can do much more than frantically dialing 911. For more information about our first aid certification courses, feel free to write us at info@cprprofessor.com.

Reach us today via phone: 1-866-967-9111 or send an email: info@cprprofessor.com! For more details stay connected with us through Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social networks!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

What are SCA and the Value of a CPR Certification?

About SCA and CPR Certification in Brief:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) remains to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It is believed that a certified individual having the ability to administer CPR in the first few minutes after a person suffers sudden cardiac arrest could and can significantly boost the chances of survival. Do you know anybody can learn and perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)? Are you thinking this is interesting and want to know how to learn CPR techniques? Then you should opt for a CPR Certification to learn the right skills of performing that will help in saving a life by acting fast in an emergency situation.  A CPR certified individual will be aware of how to attend the patient quickly and in an effective way that can save a valuable life. By gaining the right CPR skills, you can become a confident rescuer with the ability to save a life in case of a sudden heart attack or any kind of emergency situation.

How is CPR Skills Useful for an SCA Victim?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) normally occurs due to an electrical disturbance, which interrupts the heart’s rhythm and leads to an unexpected loss of the heart function, consciousness, and breathing (as the blood will stop flowing throughout the body). In this case, those individuals who are CPR certified and learned how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be able to make a difference by improving the survival rate of sudden cardiac arrest victims.

How to Perform CPR in a Correct Way?

It can be said that CPR is a life-saving technique that is used during a sudden cardiac arrest to manually pump the blood to deliver oxygen to the organs. What to do when you find a person collapsed or witnesses a sudden cardiac arrest? In this case, you should immediately check for responsiveness and a pulse. If you do not find both responsiveness and pulse, then call at 911 and begin performing CPR on the victim.

1. One should perform CPR at the rate of about 100 compressions per minute.

2. Having the right skills, you can safely perform CPR in a safe and effective way. With a CPR certification, you can be always ready to the highest quality service in an emergency situation that will increase the chance of victim's survival.

3. Along with CPR certification, you can also opt for  an AED certification to use the automated external defibrillator, which will prove to be effective for a sudden cardiac arrest victim and greatly increase a victim’s survival rate.

What is the importance of CPR Training Classes?

To obtain a CPR certification, it is important to take up the course and undergo training classes and view recommended videos from good trainers that will teach you how to effectively administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in any critical situation. By taking up the CPR course and classes, you will learn how to assist an SCA victim and remain calm under pressure. No doubt, with a CPR certification, you will be better equipped to aid an SCA victim and provide him/her good support until the emergency medical responders arrive at the site.

To get a CPR Certification relies on CPR Professor!

We specialize in providing nationally recognized online safety programs like CPR/AED certification, first aid certification and more.  CPR Professor ensures of providing 100% online self-paced CPR Training. With us, you will get an instant access to training materials and download the certificate immediately.

Reach us today via phone: 1-866-967-9111 or send an email: info@cprprofessor.com! For more details stay, social profile with us on Facebook and Twitter

Thursday 13 April 2017

How You Can Save Lives By Learning First-Aid, Get a First Aid Certification?

Having trained in a first aid course can have several advantages, both in daily life & in the place of work. When a risky situation takes place, being properly trained in first-aid could mean the difference between life & death.

A Universal First Aid Certification course can help you learn about various techniques on line  which can  help you save lives of persons of various age groups.

Let’s have a look at what advantages first aid training & certification can bring in everyday life:

First Aid Certification Courses

  • You can effective handle an emergency situation
  • Apart from helping your family you can also take care of your personal wellbeing at home if any accident or injury take place.
  • If any natural calamities happen, you will know how to keep yourself & your family secure.
  • If you’ve a child or are taking care of any other’s , infant first-aid training will train what indications to check out & how to react properly in the event of an emergency or illness.
  • You will learn how to decrease the danger of a contaminated wound when applying first-aid on a person with an injury.
  • You will be trained how to make use of bandages & make an arm sling throughout first-aid.
  • You will be trained that you must put on a resuscitation mask to decrease infection while executing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
  • You will also be trained how to assist a person who is choking and keep them inhaling.
  • You can assist decrease someone’s ache or the upshot of illness or injury.
  • You can also recognize if a person you have found has taken a medicine or drug overdose, and know info to give emergency services.
DRSABCD Action Plan

You will learn DRSABCD, which signifies:

Danger: Checking for any risk to you, spectator, and the person who is wounded or ill prior to offering help.

Response: Examining if the sufferer is awake by talking to him or her, touching his hand or squeezing his shoulder.

Send for help: Dialing 000 & replying the operator’s queries

Airway: Examining if the person’s airway is clear by peeping inside his mouth for any content

Breathing: Examining if the person is breathing by checking if his chest is moving

CPR: Executing cardiopulmonary resuscitation if the sufferer is unconscious & not breathing

Defibrillator: Applying an AED (automated external defibrillator) if a person is unconscious & not breathing

First Aid Certification Courses offered by CPR Professor are enjoyable, educational, and recognized around the world. We’ve partnered with the American Safety Training Institute to provide you world-class safety certification courses. If you have any queries, e-mail us at info@cprprofessor.com.

  For more details stay, social profile with us on Facebook and Twitter